Dental care

Dental Examination —Is It Too Tough?

A crucial aspect of preserving and safeguarding oral health is scheduling routine dental examinations. These checkups can help catch problems early when they are most treatable, or they can stop problems before they start. Dental exams are not to be feared. Instead, they are a means to maintain the health of your teeth and gums. Make an appointment with your Monterey, CA dentist to examine your teeth to maintain good oral health.

A comprehensive review of oral health.

A crucial component of preventative healthcare is getting regular dental exams. It safeguards both general health and dental health. Special tools are used to scrape tartar and plaque accumulation from beneath the gum line during the exam’s cleaning phase. Since buildup and plaque can lead to cavities, dental problems, and poor breath, this cleaning is crucial to preserving both your dental and general health.

In addition, the cheeks, throat, and mouth are checked for abnormalities, and the likelihood of developing more oral health issues is assessed. The dentist will check your teeth and check for any symptoms of oral cancer with a special light to identify dead tissue. X-rays could also be required to detect issues, including infections, tumors, and degeneration between teeth that would not otherwise be visible.

Phases of the dental exam.

A dental examination consists of two steps: the examination and the cleaning. We will check for cavities and, if necessary, take X-rays during the examination. The dentist will inspect around and in between the teeth using a metal probe and a mirror. This instrument aids the dentist in detecting any enamel or dentin weakening that could indicate the presence of cavities. Additionally, the examination includes examining the gums for any visible signs of gum disease, such as swelling, redness, or sores. 

The patient’s gums and bone strength are assessed using periodontal charting, which quantifies the depth of the space between both the teeth and gums.

The second phase of the visit includes tooth cleaning to make sure that you get rid of plaque and tartar collection that might result in diseases if left on the teeth. While frequent brushing and flossing are necessary to remove plaque, tartar buildup cannot be removed at home. Special tools are used to scale teeth and eliminate tartar during the dental examination.

Making more dental appointments in the future.

The final step of a dental examination is making the next appointment. Dentists often advise a checkup every six months. However, this might vary from person to person depending on risk factors and specific circumstances. Typically, a recall period of six months enables us to spot any potential dental issues. A dentist may choose a different interval depending on the patient’s demands.

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