
How To Prepare The Stump For Prosthesis? Complete Guide

Suffering an amputation is a problematic situation. Losing a limb, in addition to being a physical challenge, affects people’s self-image changes after they lose a part of “themselves.” Therefore, doctors seek to prepare people who have suffered amputation and their families by telling them what will happen before and after the amputation and when placing the prosthesis. And how to prepare the stump for a prosthesis by prime care? Stay with us until the end and find out!

Preparing The Stump For Prosthesis 

A large part of your rehabilitation will be working with a healthcare team that will prepare you to fit your prosthesis. Find companies specializing in orthopedic prostheses and talk to them about the best solution for you.

The custom Custom Prosthetics Solutions or prosthetic fit will begin when the stitches and surgical wound heal. Pain is controlled, and readaptation continues. You can start preparing the stump to receive a prosthesis at this time.

During that time, some precautions are essential. Check it out below:

  • Correct positioning of the stump
  • Stretching and muscle strengthening
  • Exercises for desensitization
  • residual limb modeling
  • Daily hygiene care
  • Correct Positioning of the Stump

Keeping the stump in the correct position is vital. This will help prevent muscle shortening and tension (contracture) that causes a full range of motion. To prevent contracture, you will need to keep your knee and hip as straight as possible. See how to do it:

Always when sitting, support the stump to prevent it from hanging. When using a wheelchair, you can use “an amputee board.” This plate is flat and serves to support the weight of the stump;

Try to spend some time each day lying on your stomach. This stretches the muscles on the front of the hip. When you sit down, these muscles tense. It’s important to spend 15-20 minutes a day doing these exercises;

Do not support the stump with pillows or blankets when sitting or lying down. Always keep the stump flat, with the knee as straight as possible;

If the amputation is above the knee, keep the residual limb close to the intact leg. Allowing it to move outside can make it difficult to walk with a prosthesis later on.

Stretching and Muscle Strengthening   

You need to keep your stump muscles strong and flexible. Seek to work with your health team on rehabilitation exercises. This will help prevent contracture. These exercises also ensure that the intact limb is also vital. Both legs need to be strong to prepare the stump for a prosthesis.

Stump Desensitization

Right after the surgery, the desensitization of the stump is a significant external stimulus done with the help of materials with a rough, thin surface and at different temperatures that will help return the sensitivity of the amputated region. Regardless of the level of amputation, the movements help to avoid severe pain and help the stump to recognize different sensations of cold and heat.

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