Is There an Actual Way to Stop Snoring?
Snoring may not seem like a big deal, but it can be a sign of a more serious health condition. If you snore, it’s important to get checked out by a doctor to rule out any potential health risks.
In addition to being a sign of an underlying health condition, snoring can also be very disruptive to your loved ones. If your partner complains about your snoring, it may be time to look for snoring treatment options to reduce or stop your snoring altogether.
Why do People Snore Loud?
Snoring is a sound made when you breathe in and out during sleep. It happens when the flow of air through your nose and throat is blocked.
This causes the tissues in your throat to vibrate, which produces the noise of snoring. Snoring can happen to anyone, but it occurs more often as people get older.
It affects both men and women, but it’s more common in men. There are several reasons why people may snore loudly. The most common cause is airflow obstruction through the nose and throat. This can be caused by several things, including:
- Obesity
- Nasal congestion
- Enlarged tonsils or adenoids
- Deviated septum (a condition in which the wall between the nostrils is displaced)
- Smoking
- Alcohol use
- Sleeping on your back
In some cases, snoring can be a sign of a more serious condition, such as sleep apnea. This is a condition where breathing stops for short periods during sleep. Sleep apnea can lead to daytime fatigue and other health problems, so it’s important to see your GP if you’re worried about it.
So, Is Snoring Unhealthy?
Although snoring is often thought of as a minor annoyance, it can have a profound impact on your health and well-being. In some cases, it may even be a sign of a more serious condition.
It can also be disruptive to both you and your bed partner. It can also lead to fatigue and daytime drowsiness. And as explained earlier in this blog post, in severe cases, snoring can be a sign of sleep apnea, a potentially serious condition that can lead to hypertension, heart disease, and stroke.
If you snore regularly, it’s important to see your doctor for an evaluation. They can help determine if your snoring is due to a simple obstructive disorder or something more serious. Depending on the cause, there are various treatments that can help reduce or eliminate snoring.
How to Stop Snoring
We get it, snoring can be annoying. But before you invest in an anti-snoring device, there are a few things you can try to stop snoring. Here are some options your doctor may recommend;
● Lifestyle Changes
Making some simple lifestyle changes can often help with snoring. Losing weight, avoiding alcohol before bedtime, and sleeping on your side may help to reduce or stop snoring.
Some people find that sleeping with a pillow under their knees can also help. If you smoke, you may want to consider getting help to stop smoking as smoking is also known to contribute to snoring.
● Mouthpieces
When you sleep, the muscles in your throat relax. This can cause your tongue and soft palate to collapse backward and partially block your airway. This will make you snore. Using a mouthpiece can help keep your airway open, so you don’t snore.
Mouthpieces work by bringing your lower jaw or your tongue forward during sleep. This helps to keep your airway open. Mouthpieces are made from soft materials and are comfortable to wear.
CPAP stands for “continuous positive airway pressure.” It is a type of sleep apnea treatment that uses mild air pressure to keep your airway open. CPAP machines have three parts:
- A mask that goes over your nose or nose and mouth
- A tube that connects the mask to the machine
- The machine itself, which pumps air through the tube
You wear the CPAP mask while you sleep. The CPAP machine gently blows air into your throat to keep your airway open. This prevents snoring and sleep apnea.
● Surgery
Surgery can help to improve airflow and reduce snoring. There are many different surgical procedures that can be used, depending on the underlying cause of the problem. They include:
- Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP). This surgery involves removing the uvula and part of the soft palate. It is often used to treat snoring and mild sleep apnea.
- Laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty (LAUP). This is a less invasive form of UPPP. A laser is used to remove the tissue in the back of the throat.
- Radiofrequency ablation (RFA). This procedure uses radio waves to heat and destroys the tissue in the back of the throat. It is often used to treat snoring and mild sleep apnea.
- This surgery is used to correct a deviated septum, which can block airflow and contribute to snoring.
- Turbinate reduction. This surgery is used to reduce the size of the turbinates, which are structures in the nose that can block airflow and contribute to snoring.
Your doctor will discuss these options with you and help you decide if surgery is right for you. Surgery is usually only recommended if other treatments, such as weight loss, have failed to make a difference.
It’s important to remember that surgery is not always successful, and there may be some risks associated with the procedure. Therefore, it’s important to discuss all of the potential benefits and risks with your surgeon before making a decision.
In Closing
Most people snore occasionally, and it’s usually not a cause for concern. However, if you or your partner are snoring regularly, it may be time to see a doctor. With the help of a doctor, you can determine the underlying cause of your snoring and find the best way to treat it.
Our team of experts is here to help you find the answers you need. We offer a range of snoring and sleep apnea treatments, from lifestyle changes to surgery. We will work with you to find the best solution for your individual needs. Contact us today to schedule an appointment. Call or WhatsApp: +65 9856 8391. You can also visit us at:
Allergy & Sinus ENT Specialist Centre
Head & Neck Surgery Singapore
Parkway East Specialist Hospital Singapore 427990