Dental care

Root canal treatment: Check these 5 essential pointers

Root canal treatment, or RCT, is a common endodontic procedure. Decay, cavities, and wearing of the enamel can cause an infection inside of a tooth, affecting the blood vessels and nerves. Once the infection reaches the pulp, the patient may experience severe sensitivity, pain, and other symptoms, such as an abscess in the gums. In such situations, dentists usually recommend RCT to avoid the need to remove the infected tooth. If you are visiting a dentist in Berkley, CA, for the procedure, here are five pointers for your help.

  • You will not feel pain: Dentists use local anesthesia to complete root canal therapy. You will not feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure. Depending on the extent of the infection and the position of the infected tooth, your dentist may complete RCT in one appointment. Multiple appointments are sometimes required to avoid stress and allow the tooth to heal.
  • Root canal therapy has a high success rate: If you don’t treat an infected tooth, the chances are high that the pain will become unbearable at some point. RCT is exceptionally safe and a standard restorative procedure, and if you compare the discomfort to an extraction, there is almost no difference. Today, dentists have much better technology for imaging and complete the procedure with accuracy.
  • There are several steps: After administering local anesthesia, your dentist will first create access to reach the pulp inside the tooth. Following this, they will use dental files to remove the blood vessels, nerves, and bacteria. After this, the dentist will clean the tooth from the inside and seal it with unique materials.
  • You will need a crown: Because root canal therapy makes the tooth hollow, restoring its function and strength is necessary to prevent potential breakage and further infections. A dental crown will encase the treated tooth and ensure its shape. Dental crowns are highly effective and can last for 15 years or more. Porcelain and ceramic crowns look exactly like your natural tooth.
  • Retreatment may be necessary: Although rare, repeat root canal therapy may be required if there is a second infection in the treated tooth. The procedure is slightly more complex but has a reasonable success rate. Retreatment involves the same steps after removing the crown.

Call your dentist as soon as you experience a toothache, especially if the pain is concentrated in one tooth and surrounding gums. Early care is critical to save the tooth. 

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