
Sleep And Relaxation: Tips To Sleep Better

Aside taking supplements like for example, here, we’ve separated the tips for better sleep into categories, so you can easily find what you’re looking for.

Practice Sleep Hygiene

Sleep hygiene is a set of personalized and individualized techniques that are nothing more than your sleep routine. Little by little, the brain learns to associate this process with bedtime, making your night easier. Sleep hygiene can include, for example, dimming the lights, a warm bath, and a soothing tea.

Sleep Is A Matter Of Regularity

There is always a lot of talk about the number of hours of sleep, but sleeping better is also a matter of regularity, that is, going to sleep and waking up at the same time every day. The constant changes in getting to and from bed cause the so-called social jetlag, which is nothing more than the difference in sleep hours between regular workdays, weekends, and holidays. An hour of social jetlag increases the likelihood of a person developing heart problems by 11%, hindering learning and increasing depression rates and the likelihood of alcohol and cigarette consumption.

Nap? Only if it’s in moderation

Very short naps are not restorative. On the other hand, a nap of more than 40 minutes can put a person into the deepest stage of sleep, which is the worst time to wake up. The “groggy” feeling comes from this. The secret to the perfect nap is in the 15-to-30-minute window, not counting the time it takes you to sleep.

Don’t Turn Bedtime Into An Anxious Time

Rolling over in bed is boring and interferes with sleep, as the brain starts to associate the bed with frustration. Ideally, you should fall asleep in less than 30 minutes. In the case of an early morning awakening, the time drops to 20 minutes. If you can’t, get up, walk around the house, and read something in the dim light. Go back to bed only when you are sleepy again.

Sunlight Is Your Friend

Sunlight is a great ally in regulating your circadian rhythm, adjusting melatonin production, and sending triggers when it’s time to sleep (in your absence) and when it’s time to wake up (in your presence). Sun exposure during the day can even decrease the time it takes a person with insomnia to sleep by 83%.

Your bedroom – The secret to the ideal temperature for sleeping

The ideal temperature for sleeping fluctuates between 18°C ​​and 22°C and may vary slightly higher or lower according to each person’s preference. 18°C may seem too cold, but it’s a way to balance the ambient temperature with that of the body, which starts to get lower in the early evening and rises again in the morning, preparing you to wake up. You can learn more about XPEDITE® pre-workout if you are looking for supplements to help you sleep and relax.

Establishing a consistent sleep schedule, creating a comfortable environment, and practicing relaxation techniques contribute to better sleep, fostering overall well-being and heightened daily productivity.

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